Junior fanciers
Our aim is to help and advise young and new fanciers coming into this sport. Lots of topics to advise on all aspects of keeping, training and racing pigeons.
community Forum
A increasing membership of friendly fanciers. From novices and new starters to older fanciers with many years of experience only to happy to help.
velocity Checker
An easy to use app for working out your own velocity. You just need to fill in your distance from the liberation point and the actual flying time taken.
distance checker
An easy to use app for checking your distance from or between any given place. Just enter two locations to find the distance between the two. A very useful tool.
Latest Posts

A test loft for members to have their own bred birds tested from the extreme distance and to produce a ukpigeonracing family of marathon pigeons.
Have you found a lost homing pigeon ?
Then please visit the offical rpra website for information,
and on how to report a lost homing pigeon.
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