Brits down under.

Talk about anything here. ( non pigeon related please)
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Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2022 11:37 am
Great Britain

I was watching this TV show last night, about backpackers doing some work on the farms. For free lodgings and a small wage, some of them have not got a clue of daily life. To be honest a good show.
Posts: 2561
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:57 am
Location: Bealiba Australia

Yes, there are a lot of Poms and Europeans on working holidays here. It's a bit of a culture shock for a lot of them. They measure the big stations in square miles, and distances in hours.
Sheep are in mobs of thousands on the big farms. Even around here the farms run to thousands of acres and some of the fields of wheat are so big they disappear into the distance.

We are not far from Bendigo. It's not even an hour. On one stretch of road coming out, there is a straight bit for 20 minutes. then a bend and an intersection. Then another straight bit for another 20 minutes. Rolling country, dry creeks and gum trees.
It's magical country. This year has been another wet one, the countryside is green and the stock look terrific. But it is a hard country. People from overseas often are surprised by how bad it gets in the dry years. When we came to Bendigo 18 years ago, it was in the middle of a drought. It didn't rain for so long that 2 year old horses were bucking the riders off when they put their feet in a puddle They had never seen a puddle in their lives! That's true.

The climate has changed. Yesterday it was 29 degrees here. The same day in 2018 it was 43. Last night it went down to 12. A few years ago it not drop below 30 overnight. We have not had a day where it reached 40 degrees for several years, we used to get that for days on end every summer. I don't mind, I am too old for this 40 degree stuff.
Greetings from the land down under. :D
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for verily, he shall not be disappointed.
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Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2022 10:26 pm
Great Britain

The funny thing is that over here a lot of our farm help and large animal vets are over here for work experience from New Zealand, Australia or South Africa, also a lot of our live in carers are South African 🤔🤔
Our cousin lives out in Australia now and one of our Nephews is doing 2 years over there too, my sons father in law is Australian, they are all going over there again in March.
Thing that always surprises me is that you get this picture painted of this paradise country where all your dreams come true, just as it was back in the 60s, yet it has one of the largest suicide rates amongst young men in the world !! 🤔🤔This was a great series and worth a watch. ... down-under
I'm not anti Aus by the way 🤣😂 I just don't go anywhere, I've not even got a passport lol, don't like the Sun lol 🤣😂😂
Posts: 2561
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:57 am
Location: Bealiba Australia

You are quite right, Trev, suicide rates among youths and young men are bad. It is, I think, largely because of the woke left, identity politics and compulsory gender theory indoctrination.
Young people are forbidden from expressing themselves honestly. They end up doubting who they are and what they are. The damage to their mental health is horrific.
The radical left have taken over. But the push back is starting.
Greetings from the land down under. :D
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for verily, he shall not be disappointed.
Posts: 3227
Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2022 10:26 pm
Great Britain

Murray wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:44 pm You are quite right, Trev, suicide rates among youths and young men are bad. It is, I think, largely because of the woke left, identity politics and compulsory gender theory indoctrination.
Young people are forbidden from expressing themselves honestly. They end up doubting who they are and what they are. The damage to their mental health is horrific.
The radical left have taken over. But the push back is starting.
Yes I've had this conversation with my Son and he explains it very similar to you, sadly life is very confusing for young people today and the pressures put on them by society from such a young age is far too great.
The partner of our cousin, who lives over there, actually makes his living traveling the country giving talks to parents on how to spot and support children/young adults who have suicidal tendencies. It is very Sad.
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