When I brought our shop 19 years ago I could buy anything that I required through our wholesalers. Now apart from a bit of corn, very limited mixes.available, and the odd Harkers treatments none of them supply anything now.
Is that because of current financial state or lack of call for it
I would imagine that it is more the lack of demand for it. I think the amount of different foods and treats for dogs and cats in particular and the large variety of all other accessories, far more than when first having the shop, have taken up space previously used for pigeon products in the warehouses. Margins on pigeon products is relatively low so need to have a high level of turnover which it doesnโt nowadays.
I think as well as the fall in demand, for a lot of pet stores there just became so many different products/feeds available it just became impossible for them to stock enough to meet all the individual demands. We do have a couple of feed stores that just stock the basics, Grit, minerals, a couple of tonics and just the one corn mix, usually the all seasons. There are a couple that will get it in for you but by the time they put their cut on top it makes it just far too expensive, I do like to try and support our local stores but unfortunately you can only do what the pocket allows !!