Does anyone use.

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Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2022 11:37 am
Great Britain

Natural Supplements for Pet Birds
Please note that not all of the following supplements are suitable for all species. It’s important to research and consult a veterinarian before making changes in your bird’s diet.

Calcium Montmorillonite Clay – Birds all over the World are known to eat clay (geophagy) from clay licks in riverbeds and other locations. It’s a bio-available, complete mineral supplement that also boasts antibacterial and anti-parasite properties. Calcium Montmorillonite Clay also improves digestion, cures loose droppings, detoxifies heavy metals, and protects against radiation. It treats mycotoxin poisoning (such as aflatoxin), and can be mixed with grain to prevent mycotoxins. You can also make a paste of Calcium Montmorillonite Clay, Aloe Vera and water to treat external issues, such as Keel Cysts. This natural supplement is suitable for all animals.
Oyster Shell – Excellent source of calcium carbonate. Make sure it’s feed-grade to avoid impurities.
Powdered Seaweed – Chelated mineral & vitamin supplement that also balances electrolytes, helps leg problems in broiler hens, acts as a prebiotic, prevents parasites, and improves immune function. Excellent source of iodine.
Freeze-Dried Krill (ground) – A uniquely balanced source of Omega 3, 6 & 9 for organ, muscle, skin and plumage health. Krill also improves digestion and color. Breeders use Krill to increase fertility and for healthier offspring.
Turmeric – Packed with bioflavonoids and polyphenols. Turmeric speeds wound healing, and offers anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
Cinnamon – Offers anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasite, and anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon also supports the circulatory and digestive system.
Mint – Supports the digestive and respiratory system.
Dandelion Leaf – Good source of Vitamin A, B, C, and D, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and luteolin. It is best known for it’s detoxification abilities and digestive system support.
Garlic – Supports a healthy immune and respiratory system. Garlic has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasite properties. It’s also reputed to reduce the smell of droppings, especially when used in combination with Mint.
Calendula – Speeds healing and is often used for skin conditions. Nutritionally, it is high in antioxidants. Calendula also boasts anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-septic properties.
Grapefruit Seed Extract – Used primarily for its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.
Grapeseed Extract – Supports the immune and digestive system. It also offers anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-parasite, and anti-fungal properties.
Virgin Coconut Oil – Improves immune function, supports the liver and kidneys, boosts the metabolism, increases absorption rate of vitamins, and offers antimicrobial properties. Coconut Oil is also a good source of Omega 3 & 6, along with antioxidants.
Bee Pollen – Packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein, enzymes, fatty acids and carbohydrates. Bee pollen also provides hormones for growth and supports the immune system.
Apple Cider Vinegar – Offers vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Apple Cider Vinegar also supports the immune and respiratory system, as well as having anti-bacterial properties. The usual recommendation is 2% Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water in a plastic dish.
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Great Britain

All I use now is grit, pink and black minerals, I did purchase some garlic bulbs but as of yet not put in, but nice to see how they all affect different things and what they do so thanks for that
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Great Britain

I use garlic and apple cider vinegar. I did give them some oyster shell when rearing the young but not sure that it wasn’t that that started my problem as they were eating a lot of it and making them very thirsty.
I will be using a bit of lemon juice, brewers yeast and glucose powder on my widowhood’s during the season.
Back just enjoying club racing for the time being.
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Location: Bealiba Australia

Andy, I use shell grit with pink minerals added. The birds go mad on it when feeding babies, with no ill effects. Shell grit is supposed to be heat sterilised because it can contain traces of shellfish which can make them very sick. Perhaps you got a batch that had not been properly cooked? Just a thought.
I use garlic and cider vinegar, as you know. I am of the opinion that garlic is most effective when freshly crushed. In combination with apple cider vinegar I think it is very good support for the health and well being of the pigeons. Again, just my thought.
Greetings from the land down under. :D
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for verily, he shall not be disappointed.
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